A FREE plan to lose 1-4 lbs this week, while also feeding your family. This plan for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks is easy, sustainable, and saves you time!
Tune in every week to hear tips, strategies, and solutions for feeding yourself and your family, while you lose weight.
Ashley Malik is a women's weight loss coach, podcaster, mom of two, and a grandma.
She helps busy, midlife moms lose weight in perimenopause, and start living a life they love.
There’s a lot of discussion about anti-inflammatory diets these days. If you struggle to lose weight using the methods you used in your 20s (restricting calories, more cardio), you’re likely finding that approach doesn’t work anymore. Curious how to lose weight on an anti-inflammatory diet?
While not designed specifically for weight loss, an anti-inflammatory diet can help you lose weight by lowering systemic inflammation. The approach here is to eat whole, nutrient-dense foods. This includes foods that are packed with nutrients, vitamins, fiber, and good fats.
Foods that you can eat on an anti-inflammatory diet are loosely based on a Mediterranean diet. Think salmon, chicken, leafy greens, fresh berries, olives, avocados, nuts, and low-sugar fruits. (For my top 10 foods to eat on an anti inflammatory diet, click here).
It’s also important to take out inflammation-causing foods when eating an anti-inflammatory diet. This includes gluten, dairy, refined sugar, soy, and processed/packaged foods. If you’re committed to long term health, it also means cutting out alcohol. (To see the top 10 foods to avoid on an anti inflammatory diet, click here).
Eating an anti-inflammatory diet is a great idea for anyone who struggles to lose weight, who doesn’t feel healthy and energetic, and for those with thyroid issues (like hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s). And while it’s pretty easy to get started, it can be challenging to make this approach a lifestyle.
If you’re serious about losing weight, and wanting to feel better overall, let’s look at a few ways that can help you stay on track.
I know, I get it. I’ve been there, too: You start out with a new diet approach. For the first day or two you feel really good about it! But then a kid comes home sick from school and you don’t get your planned dinner on the table. Then you get an extra project at work the next day. You have to work late, and end up snacking to keep yourself going. Before you know it, five days have gone by, and the diet has gone out the window!
Remember, weight loss is not the main goal of an anti-inflammatory diet. But you WILL see weight loss if you stick to it. (You’ll heal your gut and overall health, too!) So how do you actually stick to it?
You have to PLAN for it. Look at your life, and where you might have some roadblocks. Do you travel a lot for work or vacation? Take a weekend to come up with 10 anti-inflammatory, on-the-go snacks that you can have anytime you travel.
Maybe picking up fast food is your challenge? With after school practices, kids’ homework, and a work project to finish, who has time for cooking? The solution is to PLAN ahead with a few freezer meals that use anti-inflammatory ingredients. If you know that the day will be busy, put a freezer meal out in the morning. Then, you’ll have a quick dinner ready to go! (Also, here is a SUPER easy meal plan that only has you cook dinner 3 nights a week!)
If you’re committed to losing weight with an anti-inflammatory diet, you can’t escape the fact that you have to plan ahead. Once you eat anti inflammatory for a week or two, you’ll quickly see how much better you feel! It won’t feel like such a chore to plan ahead (because you can feel the benefits!)
This tip is a logical one, but it’s often overlooked! Start SLOW. The slow, steady steps you take into an anti-inflammatory diet will help you much more than jumping in all at once!
I always recommend clients start by cutting out gluten, as a first step. Gluten is the biggest trigger for inflammation. And there are plenty of foods and ingredients that can make the journey easier. By removing gluten, you can get the biggest bang for your buck, so to speak! 🙂You’ll feel a difference within a week or so, and may even drop a few pounds, too!
Starting slow also means that you should add new foods slowly. If you don’t already eat veggies daily, start slow with steamed and/or roasted veggies. Too many raw veggies too quickly can add a lot of unexpected fiber to your system. With too much fiber comes bloating, gas, and discomfort! Steamed, roasted, or grilled veggies are a much better option in the beginning.
Give yourself grace, and be OK with starting slowly. Once you’ve tackled gluten, decide to move on to added sugar OR dairy. Both of those categories require you to read more labels, and be more thoughtful about your food. They’re not impossible, but you’ll stick with the plan better if you take it step by step.
Side note: it took me eight years to finally cut out dairy! I think I didn’t want to let it go. I love cheese as much as I love dark chocolate and dogs. (For context, that’s a LOT). But over eight years I slowly took out dairy. I replaced yogurt with coconut yogurt, stopped eating string cheese and stuck with hard cheese, and finally made the switch to almond milk.
Going slow requires you to have a certain mindset. A mindset of grace, appreciation of failure, and an attitude of gratitude. Sure, you can decide to go all in from the beginning. But it’s going to take a very different mindset for you to have success when you shift everything at once.
Our brains like to do everything possible to keep us safe. When you decide to cut out gluten, dairy, alcohol (agh!), sugar, Brain is going to fight back. Its only job is to seek pleasure, avoid pain, and conserve energy. Brain sees these restrictions as painful. It might even try to convince you that it’s going to take SO.MUCH.ENERGY to cook anti inflammatory foods. If you give into what Brain is trying to tell you, you’re bound to give up on the new diet pretty quickly.
Instead, it’s helpful to adjust your mindset so that you can succeed! If you go into an anti-inflammatory diet knowing that there will be failures, mistakes, and adjustments, it will help your success rate. You can show Brain that while it might be “painful” in the beginning, it gets easier the more you practice.
I find that it’s useful to have some daily mantras, to keep Brain from derailing your progress.
Brain is very primitive. Knowing that Reese Peanut Butter Cups are strictly off limits is the same to Brain as being chased by a lion. Fear and uncertainty set in, and Brain fights to find safety and pleasure (convincing you to eat the chocolate chip cookie). Daily reminders to your brain will help you feel safe and excited about continuing with your anti-inflammatory diet.
When you start eating an anti-inflammatory diet, it’s easy to believe that since you’re eating all healthy foods, you can eat as much as you want! But wait! It’s a true fact that you can eat too much salad!
With an anti-inflammatory diet, the goal is to eat a lot of different ingredients, so that you’re getting well-rounded nutrients. I find it’s easy to overeat things like avocados, nuts, and fruits. Also, to make life easier, many people find a few things they like then stick to just those items. But this leaves out the variety that is important with an anti-inflammatory diet.
To combat this pitfall, I love using portion control. I use it everyday, and recommend it to all of my clients! I also know it’s one of the most important keys in my 55 lb weight loss.
Portion control has you calculate approximately how many calories you need, based on your height, weight, gender, and daily activity. Then, you use the calorie count to determine how much you should eat in various categories (like veggies, carbs, fruits, healthy fats, etc.)
I really love portion control because it’s not counting calories. Even when you’re on the go, and you learn to eyeball your portions pretty quickly. Once I used portion control for about a week, I was able to estimate my portions when I was out and about. Now, I double check myself by using my portion containers about once a month (to be sure my eyeballing is accurate!)
One of the best ways I know to stay on track with an anti-inflammatory diet is to have treats that feel as decadent as the real thing! If you’re using an anti-inflammatory diet for weight loss, treats should be limited. But, once you find a few good options, be sure to sprinkle those tasty desserts into each week.
Looking for some good recipes here? Check out the Simply Scrumptious Workshop! There are some great options there for treats that taste delicious! Remember that they are treats, though, so savor the bites (as in, not for every day!)
Also, every week I send recipes for tasty treats like chocolate mug cake, brownie bites, banana cream pie pudding, chocolate chip cookies, and coconut macaroons…all of which support your weight loss goals by helping you curb your sweet cravings AND by filling your gut with healthy pre- and probiotics!
If you want to get these delicious desserts (and other recipes!) delivered to your inbox, share your info here…and tasty treats will be on their way to you!
While it’s not designed specifically for weight loss, an anti-inflammatory diet can definitely help you reach your weight loss goals. Plus, it has all the added benefits of boosting your gut health, which leads to so many positive outcomes!
I like to say that if you’re hungry, working out all the time, and still not losing weight, you’re doing it wrong. But with an anti-inflammatory diet you’ll start to see the weight come off, you’ll have more energy, and you’ll truly be getting healthy from the inside out. Now THAT is a lifestyle I want to build (and I hope you do, too!)