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Ashley Malik is a women's weight loss coach, podcaster, mom of two, and a grandma.
She helps busy, midlife moms lose weight in perimenopause, and start living a life they love.
One of the keys to losing weight is doing the right workouts for hypothyroidism. What is the “right” kind of workout? Great question! If you struggle to lose weight, and have hypothyroidism, low-impact workouts are going to be your best choice. And when you find programs that you can do at home, you’ll be more consistent…which is essential for weight loss! Read on to see my favorite choices for how I lost 55 lbs with at-home workouts.
Steady state cardio (like running) creates inflammation in the body. With hypothyroidism, you already have inflammation. So let’s not add more by doing cardio! It will actually hurt, not help, your progress!
When you opt for low-impact workouts (like walking and weight lifting), you will still burn calories. Obviously, this is needed for losing weight. What’s more, when you add strength training to the mix, you’ll build some muscle. With more muscle mass, your body will burn more fat, even while you’re resting!
There are lots of ways to get your low-impact workouts in every day. Let’s take a look at some of the ways I used low-impact exercise, and how I lost 55 lbs with at-home workouts.
Walking is absolutely the best low-impact workout that you can choose for losing weight with hypothyroidism. It’s easy, can be done anywhere, and for any amount of time. Early in the morning. After a long day of work. On a trail in your neighborhood. While in a meeting and walking on a treadmill. ALL of it counts!
Plus, it’s free. No gym membership is required! When you choose walking as your low-impact workout, it keeps you from making excuses to yourself. You don’t need to drive anywhere to get the workout done. Just walk out your front door!
It may seem so simple, but walking at a moderate pace for 30-minutes a day will do wonders to your cardiovascular health. Plus, a dose of sunshine will help you take a minute, breathe deep, and appreciate the little things in life!
A few years ago, when I was really struggling with weight gain and hypothyroidism, I had a bit of a breakdown. I felt like I was doing everything to lose weight, but nothing was working. I was exhausted, overweight, and beyond frustrated.
Not wanting to give up (but definitely on the verge of doing so!), I decided to try one.more.thing. My husband had been doing some workouts on the BODi platform (it was Beachbody at the time). So, I figured “what have I got to lose?” I found a program, and promised to stick to it, no matter what. And THAT is how I lost 55 lbs with at-home workouts!
The great thing about BODi is that you have access to a huge library of fitness programs. A whole world of low-impact exercises to support you in your weight loss! And with programs that may not be low-impact, it’s easy to modify (i.e. no jumping) to make it fit your needs.
In my weight loss and fitness journey, I’ve found a few BODi programs that are perfect for losing weight with hypothyroidism. Let’s take a look at the programs that I recommend to my clients, depending on where they are in their fitness and weight loss journey.
If you’re looking for a super fun workout program that was designed for people just like us, this is it! I absolutely love, love, love this program, and have done it a few times.
If you want to learn to be consistent with working out, and need a program that’s easy on the joints, choose 4 Weeks For Everybody. This low-impact program has you working out 4 days a week for 4 weeks, with 30 minutes for each workout. (Plus, paired with the Gut Protocol, you’ll see results FAST!)
The equipment needed is simple! A core ball and set of dumbbells is all you’ll need to complete each of the workouts. It’s helpful to have a mat or towel (especially if you have hardwood floors).
This program truly is for EVERYBODY. I wish I had this years ago when I first started my health and healing journey! It’s designed to help everybody achieve consistency, strength, and mobility. Oh, it will give you tons of energy, too!
Another low-impact option, PiYo is a cross between Pilates and Yoga. It helps you sculpt your muscles and your core (Pilates), while improving strength and flexibility (yoga). Using stretching, strengthening, and bodyweight resistance-based exercises, PiYo is designed to burn major calories!
This program is near and dear to my heart, because it’s the very first program I started right after I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism. I had zero muscle strength, my joints hurt, and I needed something that was gentle on my entire body.
To be clear, I modified the modifier throughout the whole program. I made adjustments for what my body was capable of at that time. But, I never gave up, because I was determined!
There are no barriers to starting this program! All you need is a yoga mat (or carpet), and enough space to step side-to-side and front-to-back. That’s it. No room for excuses here!
Barre Blend will challenge AND change you with low-impact, easy-to-follow moves that shape and tone your body. If you’re ready for more energy, weight loss, a lean physique, and a strong core, this is the program to start with.
To be honest, I felt a bit like a baby deer when I started this program. It seemed so unassuming! A few ballet bends. 2 lb weights. How hard could it be?
Once I started, I found muscles I didn’t know I had! Following the modifier helped me lose weight, gain strength, and all without jumping or bouncing. Hello, low-impact!
As you’re seeing with the other programs, equipment is minimal. Only a few equipment requirements is how I lost 55 lbs with at-home workouts! Barre Blend is no different. You need a counter or bar stool (to balance), and some small dumbbells (1-5 lbs).
Want to see results by working out 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week? Job 1 is the program for you! A no-excuses, 4-week program that inspires you to focus on nutrition + fitness for your best results!
I earned a spot in the test group for this program, before it was released to the public. Once I started seeing the transformation in my body, I couldn’t believe it! Some of the workouts were even less than 20 minutes. Hello! Can you say efficiency?!
Nutrition is essential if you want to lose weight with this program (and I highly recommend you pair it with the Gut Protocol nutrition plan). If you dial in your eats, and stick to your workouts, you’re going to lose weight! Just one more solution for how I lost 55 lbs with at-home workouts.
Wish you had energy and flexibility to run around with your kids in the backyard? Struggle to get up off the floor after a long session of Legos? Find yourself watching from the park bench, instead of jumping on the swings or the slide with your little ones?
THIS is your fountain of youth. And your fountain of weight loss, too! Get ready to move with more ease in every area of your life. Using lifting and primal movements in a way you’ve never seen before, you’ll build unbelievable mobility and strength with this program.
You can make this a 4- or 5-week program, depending on how many days a week you want to work out. The modifiers are fun to follow, and keep this program low-impact, which is ideal for those of us with hypothyroidism. Equipment is easy. A good selection of dumbbells and a yoga mat is all you need. (A foam roller is helpful, too!)
To be honest, I was skeptical about this program when I started. But I kept at it every day. By the end I couldn’t believe that I had lost weight while gaining tremendous strength and flexibility! I’ve done a lot of programs in the last 10 years, and I think this is the strongest I’ve ever been (and no, I didn’t look like a body builder!)
This is my absolute favorite program in the BODi library! And you may be surprise to know it’s not because of the physical results! If you want a program that truly changes you from the inside out, 80 Day Obsession just might be your “spirit program”, too!
There’s no doubt about it, this program is a COMMITMENT. It’s 12-weeks of almost hour-long workouts, 6 days each week. It’s important to follow the modifier to keep this program low-impact. However, you’ll still see results when you do.
For me, this program was about so much more than weight loss. Every single day the trainer, Autumn Calabrese, brought the motivation and the mindset. Each day she said words I needed to hear, as I was in the hardest season of my life. Some days I left the workouts feeling powerful, strong, and confident. Other days I finished the workout in tears, as I released frustration and limiting beliefs that had been holding me back in life.
80 Day Obsession changed me at the cellular level. I definitely lost weight and toned my entire body head to toe. And bonus: I found a level of determination and discipline that I’ve never known before. That discipline and determination is still with me 3+ years later, and spills into everything that I do. Fitness, nutrition, building my business, being a mom and wife. EVERYWHERE.
Do you have a stationary bike at home? I looked into a Peloton, but knew that I’d want to do more than just ride a bike for all my workouts. That’s where the BODi bike comes in! A professional-grade bike that’s reliable, durable, and super easy to adjust. PLUS, it features a big touch screen that you can use for rides and for all of the workout programs in the BODi library. So convenient!
With hypothyroidism, low-impact workouts are the only way to go. Swimming and cycling are great options for building endurance, without putting additional stress on your joints.
I was new to cycling a few years ago, until I brought the BODi bike into our basement. What a game changer! I can use it in so many ways! Active recovery day, when I need to flush out my sore muscles, or when I want to let my mind wander while I workout.
Now you know exactly what programs I used, and how I lost 55 ls with at-home workouts. When the workouts are in your basement, garage, or living room, there’s no excuse to not get them done. And with so many options at your fingertips (literally!), you can get started today and truly kick-start that weight loss!
Which program is most interesting to you? Drop me a message and let me know, and I can send you more details on how to get started today!
If you want to try a sample of these workouts, to get a feel for how they might fit into your life, tap here for a free download of sample workouts!