A FREE plan to lose 1-4 lbs this week, while also feeding your family. This plan for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks is easy, sustainable, and saves you time!
Tune in every week to hear tips, strategies, and solutions for feeding yourself and your family, while you lose weight.
Ashley Malik is a women's weight loss coach, podcaster, mom of two, and a grandma.
She helps busy, midlife moms lose weight in perimenopause, and start living a life they love.
I recently had the opportunity to test the Job 1 program from Beachbody, before it was released to the public. For achieving significant milestones in my coaching business, I was invited to this exclusive group. I was honored and thrilled to be chosen, and knew I had to go all in with the test group!
Prior to this program, I was used to doing longer programs (like 80 Day Obsession). I enjoy long workouts in the morning, as they “shake up” my brain and really get me ready for the day (physically and mentally)! However, I believe wholeheartedly in Beachbody programs, so I trusted the process and followed the Job 1 calendar of workouts. And I’m so glad I did, because I’m absolutely thrilled with the results! But, more on that later!
Also, because I have Hashimoto’s, I know that intense workouts can cause an unhealthy spike in cortisol levels, which leaves me exhausted and with full-body inflammation. Keep reading to see how I’ve learned to manage my workout intensity with my Hashimoto’s, while still getting great results.
Job 1 is designed to give you maximum results in a very short amount of time. The plan delivers 5 days of workouts, that are just 20 minutes each day (and the intense work is only about 16-18 minutes). Everyone can carve out 20 minutes a day, right?! Especially when you have two rest days each week!
Every single day is different, and no two workouts are the same. Here’s what the weeks looks like:
Start Strong (Monday)
Set the tone for the week with a targeted strength session, lifting heavy and with control to squeeze the most from every rep.
HIIT It (Tuesday)
Alternate between quick, all-out efforts and increasingly short rest periods during this high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout that will leave you sweaty, breathless, and energized.
Build & Burn (Wednesday)
A combination of classic strength training and intense bodyweight intervals helps you burn fat as you build muscular endurance and explosive power from head to toe.
20 Minute Sweat Session (Thursday)
Three blocks of exercises to challenge each muscle group with both dumbbells and resistance loops to incinerate calories and maximize time under tension—a key growth stimulus.
Finish Stronger (Friday)
Hold nothing back as you power through classic strength training and intense bodyweight intervals to build muscle, boost stamina, and torch fat from head to toe.
Rest (Saturday & Sunday)
Cycling (Optional)
Our test group had access to 4 cycling workouts – everything from a HIIT to Hills ride to a Power Climb. These were awesome workouts, and definitely showed my quads who was boss!
Overtime Bonus Workouts
Although these were not included in our test group, there will be five Bonus Workouts in the official Job 1 program. Based on what I’ve seen in the rest of the program, these will be fantastic ways to add strength training for targeted muscle groups.
Since I use food to help manage my Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism, I love following Beachbody’s Portion Fix program. I fill my colorful containers every day with healthy, anti inflammatory foods. Since I was used to working out for 60-70 minutes a day, 6 days a week, I decided to adjust my container count while doing Job 1.
I was never hungry. Let me repeat that…I was never hungry!! I still enjoyed my favorite foods like nut butters, feta cheese, sweet potatoes, and steak. I love the Portion Fix program because I never feel deprived. Just the opposite, to be honest! When I fuel my body with healthy, anti inflammatory choices, from ALL food groups (yes carbs! yes fats!) I’m filled with endless energy every day, I sleep well, and my digestion is spot on. Yay for all the food!
To help manage my Hashimoto’s symptoms, I eat a very clean, anti inflammatory diet (which means no gluten, soy, refined sugar, very little dairy, and no alcohol). Sounds boring, but 1) I promise I eat amazing meals everyday, and 2) I feel better eating this way. So all around, Portion Fix and this way of eating works for me!
As for fitness, early on in my Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism journey, I never thought I’d be able to work out again. Years before my diagnosis I was active in hiking, swimming, and working out. I even trained for and participated in a sprint triathlon at 9000’ in elevation (which means there wasn’t much oxygen up there!).
After my diagnosis, I gave my body some time to heal, which meant 20 minute walks, or some gentle yoga. Over time, as my body has healed, I’ve been able to increase the intensity of my exercise. I know what my body loves (heavy lifting), and what causes flare ups (too much cardio, where my heart rate goes over 170 BPM).
What’s great about all Beachbody programs is that there is always a modifier to follow, or modifications to moves if you’re not ready to go 100%. Don’t let this make you feel like you can’t do the program, or that you’ll never be able to go full speed. It will take time to adjust (years, most likely!), so be patient and listen to what your body can stand. I promise, you will get there!
After 30 days of following Job 1, plus adding a few of the cycling workouts, I am thrilled with the results! And I love love love knowing that I can see great results with only 20-minute workouts!
In 30-days I lost 4 lbs, and tons of inches! I took measurements from 6 different body parts. In total, I lost 8.75 inches! Seriously, in just 4 weeks! Most notable was the 1” from each thigh, and the 1.5” from my waist.
There has been a fantastic mental shift, too. Spending less time working out each morning meant I had more time to spend in personal development reading and gratitude journaling.
So now that you know what it’s like, are you ready to go all in with Job 1? I regularly host exclusive accountability groups that help you stay fit, healthy, and strong…in only 20-minutes a day!
Let’s get you started today! Please fill out this form, and I’ll be in touch with more information!