Your resource center for anti-inflammatory food + fitness (no matter how busy you are!)

Welcome to Ashley Malik Health & Wellness

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

If you have Hashimoto’s or hypothyroidism, you know that those chronic conditions come with a whole host of troublesome symptoms: weight gain, inability to lose weight, brain fog, sore joints, hair loss, anxiety, depression…just to name a few! In my health and healing journey with both Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism, I’ve found one thing to be […]

4 Good Habits for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Anti inflammatory is a popular term these days! If you’re struggling to lose weight, or have a thyroid issue (like hypothyroidism), you’ve probably run across the term in your google searches. So, you’re probably wondering: can an anti inflammatory diet help hypothyroidism? The good news is YES! Changing to an anti inflammatory diet can help […]

Can An Anti Inflammatory Diet Help Hypothyroidism


If you have Hashimoto’s or hypothyroidism, you might wonder if you’ll ever be able to workout again! Thyroid issues like these can leave you feeling sluggish, exhausted, and you likely have sore joints and muscles. Read on to find out about the best workouts for Hashimoto’s. When you’re feeling this tired, it can be impossible […]

Best Workouts for Hashimoto’s


I recently had the opportunity to test the Job 1 program from Beachbody, before it was released to the public. For achieving significant milestones in my coaching business, I was invited to this exclusive group. I was honored and thrilled to be chosen, and knew I had to go all in with the test group! […]

Beachbody Job 1 and Hashimoto’s

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

The holiday season brings plenty of opportunities for parties, appetizers, decadent desserts, and cocktails. If you want to eat anti inflammatory over the holidays (like gluten free and dairy free) to support your thyroid, or hope to lose weight in the New Year, you can navigate the holidays with good choices TODAY that will support […]

Navigate the Holidays: Eating Anti Inflammatory Over the Holidays with Hypothyroidism