Your resource center for losing weight and getting healthy in perimenopause.

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anti-inflammatory chocolate chip cookies
Anti-Inflammatory Diet

One of the most common questions I get asked about an anti-inflammatory diet is “what kind of anti-inflammatory snacks can I eat?” When you’re new to an anti-inflammatory diet, you’re bound to have days where you’re hungry in the mid-morning or afternoon. Because you’re new to this way of eating, it’s likely you’ll gravitate toward […]

Easy, Anti-Inflammatory Snacks

Do i need an anti-inflammatory diet title with picture of fruits and vegetables
Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Everywhere you look there’s talk about anti-inflammatory diets. On social media, in the news, and even on Netflix! But knowing that there’s a bit of a learning curve, you’re probably wondering “Do I need an anti-inflammatory diet?” Let’s dig in with a quick recap on anti-inflammatory diets, and discover 10 symptoms that signal your body […]

Do I need an anti-inflammatory diet?

10 reasons you can't lose weight with woman in various stages of weight loss
Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Raise your hand if you’ve ever said “I can’t lose weight no matter what I do!” You’ve tried everything , but nothing works, and you’re beyond frustrated. As a busy, midlife mom, you’re eating salads for lunch, tracking your steps, and trying to squeeze in a workout after leaving the office. Maybe you’re even suffering […]

10 Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight, and What to Do About It

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

There’s a lot of discussion about anti-inflammatory diets these days. If you struggle to lose weight using the methods you used in your 20s (restricting calories, more cardio), you’re likely finding that approach doesn’t work anymore. Curious how to lose weight on an anti-inflammatory diet? What is an anti inflammatory diet? While not designed specifically […]

How to Lose Weight on an Anti Inflammatory Diet

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

How frustrated are YOU?! Seriously. You have tried everything to lose weight, but nothing has worked. You’ve met with your doctor, and it’s confirmed that you have hypothyroidism. But the medication, supplements, diets…none of it is working to help you lose that weight. (And you’re even gaining weight!) If this rings a bell to you, […]

5 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight with Hypothyroidism

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

If you’re looking to lose weight with hypothyroidism, it might feel like you have to make some major changes to your nutrition. It is true that an anti inflammatory diet is best for hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s. And it’s definitely true that there are some foods you shouldn’t eat if you struggle with these thyroid issues! […]

Top 10 foods to eat with hypothyroidism

Anti-Inflammatory Diet, Mindset

If it was as “easy” as following an anti inflammatory meal plan, or doing low impact workouts, you would have lost weight by now. But you’ve tried that, haven’t you? There are 5 reasons you need a coach on your anti inflammatory journey. Let’s take a peek and see how this overlooked resource is the […]

5 Reasons you need a coach on your anti inflammatory journey

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

I see you! You’re desperate to lose weight, and you feel like absolutely nothing works. I know exactly what you’re doing, because I did the very same thing. You’ve tried so hard to figure out which meal plan will be the “right” one, or what else you need to do to actually start losing weight. […]

Why your meal plan isn’t helping you lose weight

How I lost 55 lbs with hypothyroidism
Anti-Inflammatory Diet, Behind the Scenes

Have you tried losing weight, but nothing seems to work? Maybe you’ve gone to the doctor, but they’ve told you your labs look normal. So what are you supposed to do when you feel like you’re trying to work out, eat healthy, and still the weight goes nowhere? I’ve been in your shoes (truly!), and […]

How I lost 55 lbs with hypothyroidism

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time to meal prep. Some kind of meal prep is important if you eat an anti inflammatory diet to support your hypothyroidism. But, I’m guessing you don’t have time either? Instead, here’s the best ever alternative to meal prep: Component Cooking. I promise, it will change […]

The Best Ever Alternative to Meal Prep